Eliandro Oliveira

International Transportation Insurance – get acquainted with the 3 main types of insurance cover

As we have already mentioned here in the blog, International Cargo Transportation Insurance serves as protection against transportation risks related to import and export, i.e., Brazilian cross-border transactions. 

It ensures the safety of the shipper’s supply chain and distribution. However, as there exist some variables relating to transportation modes, merchandise or even negotiations - Incoterms -, the policies may contain different covers. Please see the examples given below:    

  • Comprehensive A – Basic cover for shippers, with guarantee of indemnity for cargo-related losses.
  • Restricted B – Cover for partial loss and total loss of merchandise arising from accidents with the transporting vehicle (vessel, aircraft, truck), also robbery cover can be included.
  • Restricted C - Cover for total loss of merchandise arising from accidents with the transporting vehicle and robbery cover included.

It should be emphasized that additional covers can be contracted. Request CredRisk Marine for a quotation and find the best solution for you.